Democratic debate preview: New and familiar faces

Buttigieg pulls ahead in Iowa but not so much nationally
With Beto O’rourke dropping out and Julian Castro missing the threshold requirement, we are now down to a lofty 10 candidates for Wednesday night’s 5th Democratic Presidential Debate. Voters who were hopeful of amore narrowed field were met with uncongenial news of Deval Patrick entering the race, and Michael Bloomberg giving it serious thought.
This time around Pete Buttigieg will likely join Elizabeth Warren as a target as hemeaningfully pulledahead in the Iowa caucus race according to recent polling. This is consistent with MediaStats’ excess sentiment indicator applied to articles published in Iowa’s local media, which shows a similar lead.
With that said however, Buttigieg does not fair as well on a national level. While polls are showing some gradual improvement, media sentiment took a recent hit suggesting a tougher challenge for Buttigieg on a national scalemoving forward.
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